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Weekly Macro Themes - 31 Mar 2017

Here's a brief preview of the topics and charts covered in the latest Weekly Macro Themes report.

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1. Mid-cycle musings: The graphs show global PMI looks to be taking a breather but the very latest hard data global trade indicators show improving growth and the global GDP weighted monetary policy rate looks to be at a cycle-low.

2. EURUSD - the tides are turning: The tides are turning for the Euro as valuation, technical and macroeconomic indicators point to brighter times ahead for the EURUSD. Check out the charts to see the detail behind this view and what to watch for.

3. China and Copper: China's economic recovery remains intact, and has even accelerated into March, this is very important for copper as we show in the charts.

4. Nigeria? Nigerian equities look to have bottomed, check out the report to see the valuation case, the currency considerations, economic cycle stage, and some brief comments on price.

5. US loan growth - "collapsing"? There seems to be a lot of people running around with doom and gloom stories on collapsing loan growth, but our charts show the real picture, and it's not as grim as the doom merchants might have you think!

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